Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Week in Review

I think I can still fit in this week's week in review before midnight, to conform to my goal of having a post everyday, which I also altered to just the weekdays (since I ran out of time this Saturday and Sunday).  Besides, I'm having trouble sleeping, so it's like two birds with one stone.

I don't think this week on the surface will seem as exciting as the week before, but believe you me, it was another rollercoaster for yours truly.  Some of the most poignant experiences I will use my blogger's license and omit. They will be forever lost, and I for one, would like to say "Good Riddance!"

  1. Monday, Monday.  Can't stand that day.  Entirely forgettable.
  2. I'm also having a stupor of thought for Tuesday, so there must have been nothing noteworthy.  It was the first Blazer game, which I was all pumped for, but then we injured our #1 draft pick who was hurt his whole first year and we lost to our most-hated rivals, the Lakers.  I place a lot of personal satisfaction on events like this which are outside of my control,  and this one was disproportionately disappointing.
  3. Ah, Wednesday!  My day off.  I went with my Wednesday posse to the Deseret Industries in Portland and sorted out clothes, making cool sound effects with Mike to pass the time. We met a service missionary who later on in the week would introduce me to a girl.  That's a little foreshadowing for you.  Then I had sushi for the second week in a row, and then caught The Secret Life of Bees, which is a movie based on a book I had read.  It made me feel good.  I like my Wednesday posse.
  4. Meh.  Thursday.  I worked, went to institute, and then went home.
  5. Friday was of course Halloween.  After the second Blazer game which was a lot better outcome, I dressed up as a Sith Lord and went to a Halloween dance.  I saw many friends, and also many not-friends.  It's not like we're enemies or anything, I just don't know them yet and hence am not friends with them.
  6. Saturday I went and helped clean the church, then wussed out on the Guns and Meat activity because it was raining, which opened up the possibility of going to Mike's rugby game, in which he scored thrice and I was the sole supporter amongst his friends, which led to Triple Steak Burritos, which kept me well-fed during the fireside at Lake Oswego, where I met the girl previously discussed in the third point, and then I drove back my Saturday posse to the 'couve, singing along the way with Natalie who was car sick, and then we saw Ghostbusters  and then I got made fun at while playing Scattergories.
  7. Sunday was another loooooooooooooooooooooooooong day at Church.  Plus it was fast Sunday.  I made some awesome cookies for BTF made of chooped up Reese's PB cups, which won no prizes but won the silent majority of people's  hearts, minds, and stomachs. After church I finally finished my square T-shirt and then played Scrabble to an unexciting result.
Well, this post is up against the end of the day, so I'm going to publish it before it lapses into my Tuesday post, which I hope I will get to.  Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. unexciting result?!? unexciting result?! is that what you are calling "getting your a kicked" these days? love ya white.
