- Wednesday--I went on a day hike with two friends, found an Italian restaurant in Troutdale, bought fake lottery tickets for a birthday party, lost my wallet, found my wallet, went to the gym, changed into my church clothes at the gym, went to a birthday dinner, the lottery ticket prank backfired, left midway through the dinner to catch the latter half of my temple recommend interview, went back to the dinner and ate my food, went to pick up my date for the remainder of the night, went to the airport to pick up my sister, changed out of my church clothes, then went to the birthday party, then dropped my date off.
- Thursday--my sister took out her endowments and my family starting coming for the big wedding.
- Friday--Played Trivial Pursuit and watched a Czech movie. Avoided wedding preparations.
- Saturday--My little sister Jessica got married! I went to my first ever temple wedding, which was very special. Then we stood around in the cold and had our pictures taken in the cold Portland rain. There was a lavish luncheon at the Governor's Hotel downtown, where we served hors d'ouerves and filet mignon. I assembled and DJ'd the music for the luncheon, and I am proud to say it went off without a hitch. It was mostly old standards like Sinatra and Bennet--not really my style--but my sister digs it. I was a little nervous that I would not get the right songs for when the newlyweds dance, but providence smiled upon me and I did not get a disapproving stare. Of course, in true fashion I left my mp3 player at the hotel. I skedaddled out of the luncheon and over to a Bed, Bath and Beyond to get my sister a gift and also my mom for her birthday. Hey, I procrasinate...is that a crime? Then I went to my house for the reception. I felt antisocial, but I made my sister a nice card. Everybody wants me to get married. Congratulations Jessica.
- Sunday--My Mom's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom! I went to church, and someone convinced me to leave after sacrament with the promise that they would never talk me into that again.