For some reason my blog editor changed and I lost all my options.
I am currently chatting on Facebook with one of my best friends from my mission, Speed.
I am wearing green corduroy pants and a baby blue polo.
My feet are propped up on the desk. It's comfortable.
I am abusing this Thanksgiving break with excessive amounts of sleep.
My family is all out on a walk but I stayed home.
Monty Python & the Holy Grail is a very quotable movie.
I have a bad habit of twirling my hair and I'm doing it right now.
I am a hairy man, but sometimes in the gym locker room I see guys that put me to shame.
The drawers to my dresser squeak when I open them.
The hair treatment I spoke of a few entries ago? Totally using it. Is it working? I don't think so.
Sometimes I also bite my fingernails. It's another bad habit.
In Computer Science class I learned you could never really write a code that could produce a totally random number.
Most of my family just came for my sister's wedding so they aren't here for Thanksgiving.
If you want to subscribe to my blog, you can do that at the end of the page with an RSS feed in conjunction with a blog reader like Google Reader.
I like to read things about Napoleon Bonaparte. He was a fascinating man.
There is a park in Prague called Letna that has a huge pendulum looking thing that swings back and forth.
Some mornings I feel I will wake up to find myself transformed into a giant insect.
The new Indiana Jones movie and the new Star Wars movies prove that George Lucas totally had no idea what made his earlier movies so magical.
The first letter of each word of the title of this post spells out a chemical frequently digested on Turkey Day.
Sometimes I wonder if everything that happens to me not only is a big joke that everyone is in on, but that the joke is not a really funny joke but just something lame like a knock-knock joke or a "why did the chicken cross the road" joke.
If in some far off corner of the universe a doppelganger of myself is also sitting at his computer writing a blog post on Thanksgiving, I think it is a really big coincidence that they would have Thanksgiving on an alien planet.
Could I create a rock that even I couldn't move?
I had cold pizza and carrots for breakfast.
I hope I am cool enough to comment on this amazing blog. You are right though, you sure are hairy. :) Oh the horror, a smiley face. Love you Joel. ....Your favorite, favorite cousin