Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Forget about the crowds, the size of the school, their fancy uniforms and remember what got you here "

The last couple of months there has been a famine in the land of my deep repressed subconscious. But I assure you that it will be followed by an equal and opposite feast! For during those months of much want, I was secretly storing away all of these delightful little tidbits this blog is now notorious for, and now they are amassed and ready for consumption. Much of note has occurred and is now past; they are spent and ripe for defragmentation. For example, some recent events include:
  • My own wedding
  • A savory honeymoon
  • Housesitting;
  • with its subsequent lack of Internet access (a contributing source to the famine)
  • the taking of the GRE
  • selling my car
  • packing all of my possessions (twice)
  • disposing of many of my possessions
  • giving a talk
  • an exodus to Indiana
  • a new home
  • a new phone (that doesn't accidentally call people)
all of which could have their own separate post. Instead of gorging you on all of it at once, I will divvy it out piecemeal, in an easy-to-swallow daily dose. Of course, you could wait a few weeks and then read all of the entries at the same time, if that's how you roll.

A new link has been forged in the fires of Blogger-- a new family website curated by my spouse: Joelyssa. This site that you are reading now will not be unmade, for this site is MINE!

OK, now a random Hoosiers clip. I found this first, and it's really the only thing I knew I wanted in this post, but I haven't really worked it in. But we are in Indiana, so you know.


  1. Glad to see you're blogging! I wanted to comment on the joelyssa site but it wouldn't let me. It's cool, too.

  2. There's something wrong with the commenting part on the joelyssa blog--it won't let you do the word verification thingee...
