Thursday, June 4, 2009

Joel Feik's 10,021st Day of Life

Stardate 10021:

I guess it would have been a little bit cooler if I had posted on my 10,000th day, but my tally system--scratching on my wall with a sharp stick--makes it hard to pinpoint these milestones.

I snagged a coupon for SportClips, a new "barbershop" on 192nd, and got not only a haircut, but a steaming towel on my face, a scalp massage, and all while I watched SportsCenter! For free! I am a witness.

Then my mom and I went down to Clackamack and I got a humdinger of a wedding suit, plus they threw in another suit on account of good behavior.

We then traversed across the Promenade to a Sushi joint, for much Wasabi-laden goodness.

Later in the day, I mowed not one but two lawns, which is a personal record. I still feel like I am inhaling chlorophyll.

Still later, my fiance and I came one step closer towards our lifelong goal of getting married to each other by having a temple recommend interview.

To cap off the day, I won a fun game of Settlers of Cataan.

Bring on Day 10022!