This is alternate version of myself riding a roller coaster. If you observe closely, you can see him popping in and out of existence. Note you can also see his pseudo-world through rips in the space-time continuum.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Joel Feik's 10,021st Day of Life
Stardate 10021:
I snagged a coupon for SportClips, a new "barbershop" on 192nd, and got not only a haircut, but a steaming towel on my face, a scalp massage, and all while I watched SportsCenter! For free! I am a witness.
Then my mom and I went down to Clackamack and I got a humdinger of a wedding suit, plus they threw in another suit on account of good behavior.
We then traversed across the Promenade to a Sushi joint, for much Wasabi-laden goodness.
Later in the day, I mowed not one but two lawns, which is a personal record. I still feel like I am inhaling chlorophyll.
Still later, my fiance and I came one step closer towards our lifelong goal of getting married to each other by having a temple recommend interview.
To cap off the day, I won a fun game of Settlers of Cataan.
Bring on Day 10022!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What is the Pointiest Vegetable of them all?
I have no idea why Burgerville is promoting asparagi. Maybe an asparagus smoothie? An organic, Northwest-grown asparagus burger? At any rate, I saw this marquee that I thought was clever (click on the picture to zoom in):

I had been chuckling at its quirkiness for weeks when an unsettling feeling hit me. Some one or something was getting disrespected. Why, there are obvious candidates for pointier vegetables!

I had been chuckling at its quirkiness for weeks when an unsettling feeling hit me. Some one or something was getting disrespected. Why, there are obvious candidates for pointier vegetables!
Carrots--hello? And artichoke leaves are so pointy they hurt.
Burgerville, my friend, you disappoint me. Throwing carrots and artichokes under the bus just for cheap laughs.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Reverse SAD
I think that I may have Reverse Seasonal Affected Disorder right now, which I thought was a made-up condition that I would joke around about, but stinkin' Wikipedia confirms that it actually is a condition. (BTW, how annoying is it in this day & age of the Internet to think of a creative idea, google it and discover you are not the first person to have thought of it, and then further discover you are perhaps the last to think of it?)
The radio said this morning that we have had like eleven consecutive days of 70 degree plus weather. The sun has been shining constantly. It's perfect right?
No! It's driving me crazy. It's too hot!
I would like to see the following template from now on: three sunny days on, one rainy day off, three sunny days on. Is that so hard to ask?
We are in Portland, people! PORTLAND!
(I think someone up there heard me...I hear thunder this very moment)
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